Hello, friends welcome to our community CA SOLUTION WEB. Here we share a lot of our experience with regards to a charted accountant. we share the best information in the form of article, material, exam notes, exam updates, and so more.
first, we discuss any student  How to become a Charted Accountant?

How to become a Charted Accountant?

After 10th you have multiple options, but two are common options, commerce, and science. The charted account is the sub-option of the commerce department.

You have to option to do CA Course.

  1. 10+2+CA
  2. 10+2+B.COM+CA

1. 10+2+CA

The first option says after complete 10th you do 2year commerce (we call 12th) and then after register in Charted accountant course.
After 10+2+CA course Outline
  • CA FOUNDATION (6month)
  • CA INTERMEDIATE (1 year)
  • CA FINAL (2.5 years with Articleship)
After completing the 10th and 12th, you join the CA course. First CA foundation Come in CA course. The duration of the CA foundation is 6 months without any articleship.
Then completing the CA foundation you go to CA intermediate course. The duration of CA intermediate is 1year. CA intermediate has a two group. group I and group II. 
This course has one condition. If you cleared any one group of CA intermediate then you can easily join CA final course (join 3 years practical training after passing either Group I or both groups of intermediate examination). but if not cleared any one group of this course that means you not eligible for joining CA final.

After cleared CA intermediate, you eligible for CA Final Course. CA Final has 2.5 years of coarse with articleship.

2. 10+2+B.COM+CA

The second option says after complete 10th you do 2year commerce (we call 12th), completing 12th do 3-year B.COM and then after register in Charted accountant course.
After 10+2+B.COM+CA course Outline

  • CA INTERMEDIATE (1 year with 7 months articleship)
  • CA FINAL (2.5 years with articleship)

After completing the 10th 12th and 3 years B.COM, you join the CA course. First CAIntermidiate  Come in CA course. The duration of the CA Intermediate is 1year with 7 months articleship.

CA intermediate has a two group. group I and group II.

This course has one condition. If you cleared any one group of CA intermediate then you can easily join the CA final course  (join 3 years practical training after passing either groups I or both groups of intermediate examination). but if not cleared any one group of this course that means you not eligible for joining CA final.

After cleared CA intermediate, you eligible for CA Final Course. CA Final has 2.5 years of coarse with articleship. 

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